
28 2024

Noar Hazak: Conquering Life's Challenges

12:00PM - 2:00PM  

Beth Tzedec Congregation 1700 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M5P 3K3
416-781-3511 info@beth-tzedec.org

Contact Shirel Barkan Slater

Strategies for Teens to Manage Life's Difficulties (Grades 9 to 12)

Life can throw some serious curveballs.

Join us for a transformative Jewish empowerment session especially for teens At the first part of the session, Michal Gilboa-Hermel, a clinical psychologist, will guide us in developing strategies to conquer life's challenges.

For the second part of the session, join Sherri Storm, a registered dietitian on take on "Nutrition for Well-Being: Eat Better, Feel Better" and will share insights about how our food choices can impact our mood and overall well-being, such as:

Hands-On Cooking—Package the ingredients for a wholesome lentil soup that you can take home to prepare a nourishing meal for your family.

Sharing Kindness—Assemble a lentil soup package with the ingredients for a lentil soup, including the recipe and a personal message for the recipient. Choose someone special in your life to gift this package as an expression of gratitude. After all, food is all about sharing!

Mindfulness Activity—Engage in a mindfulness activity centred around the act of eating, fostering a deeper connection with the food we consume.

We'll conclude the session with opportunities to engage in an extraordinary meditation class with Rabbi Robyn Fryer-Bodzin or shooting some hoops in the Kimel Family Gym.

Lunch will be served. There is no charge but RSVPs are requested. To register, visit https://bethtzedectoronto.shulcloud.com/form/noar-hazak.html.

Generously supported by the Flatt Family in memory of Ab Flatt

Sponsor: Presented as part of the Beth Tzedec Centre for Spiritual Well-Being

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