
19 2016

Living with Dementia in Your Family: A Skills Building Program

12:30PM - 3:00PM  

Miles Nadal JCC
http://mnjcc.org/browse-by-interest/wellness/talks-on-wellness/304-living-with-dementia-a-10-week-program 750 Spadina Ave
Toronto, ON M5S 2J2
416 924 6211 x 0 info@mnjcc.org

Contact Gerri Richman
416 924 6211 x250

Free 10-week program that starts on Wednesday October 19.
Do you love someone with dementia? This supportive skills-based program helps you learn to problem-solve and communicate effectively. Includes a concurrent stimulating and creative workshop for your family member. Confidentially assured. An accredited program of the Sinai Health System Reitman Centre Carers program, in partnership with Holy Blossom and Miles Nadal JCC.

Sponsor: Sinai Health System Reitman Centre Carers program, Temple Holy Blossom

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