
21 2024

Israeli Film Series: Desperado Square (Kikar Ha-Halomot)

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Leah Posluns Theatre 4588 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M2R 1W6

Contact Jennifer Stewart

$ Cost $ 9.85

In collaboration with the Toronto Jewish Film Foundation, the series will showcase the finest of Israeli cinema, fostering cultural connections through screenings, celebrity interviews, and pre-film gatherings.

In a dusty village on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, the late Morris Mandabon appears to his son in dream and orders him to re-open their family’s now-boarded-up movie theatre, an act that revitalizes the community and reawakens old passions.

An lovely and evocative film with a spirited soundtrack of Greek, Israeli and Indian music.

Link to purchase tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/israeli-film-series-desperado-square-kikar-ha-halomot-tickets-780834686567?aff=oddtdtcreator

Sponsor: Toronto Jewish Film Foundation (Partner)

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