
20 2015

Covergirl: "Why our Jewish sisters cover their hair (the real story)"

7:45PM - 9:45PM  

home of Mrs. Linda Hofstedter 212 Sandringhan Drive
Toronto, ON M3H 1E3

Contact Rivkie Schochet

An evening for women, a program of education and inspiration, to promote mutual respect and understanding amongst Jewish women. "Bridging the Gap: Why our Jewish sisters cover their hair (the real story)".

Program is for Women only.

Sunday, Sept. 20, 2015 @ 7:45 in the home of Mrs. Linda Hofstedter, 212 Sandringhan Drive, light refreshments, FREE ADMISSION .

Guest Speaker:
Mrs. Miriam Lipskier, wife and mother of 6 children, founder and active director of the Jewish Student Centre at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, a noted educator at Bais Chana, and an international speaker and lecturer on contemporary topics relevant to the Jewish Women.

Endorsed by members of the Va'ad HaRabonim of Toronto

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