Toronto has one of the most dynamic, sophisticated, and philanthropic group of Young Professionals aged 25–35 in all of North America. Across the city, Young Professionals are actively engaged in charitable efforts, events, and organizations of all kinds. The Conspire2Inspire committee is comprised of over 40 of the best and brightest individuals that this community of Young Professionals has to offer. We have come together in an effort to raise the awareness and profile of Chai Lifeline.
At its core, Consipre2Inspire is nothing more than an old fashioned marketing campaign with a modern twist. This group of Young Professionals will utilize their personal and professional networks to spread awareness of Chai Lifeline through an aggressive viral social media and marketing campaign. This campaign will seek to tell the story of Chai Lifeline and the families they serve. Chai Lifeline is an organization that is not well known to the Young Professional demographic. The goal of Conspire2Inspire is to change that.
In addition to an awareness campaign, on the evening of June 30th, the committee and 400 like-minded friends will gather to celebrate the conclusion of the campaign with a gala party. This event will be one of the preeminent events amongst Young Professionals for the 2016 calendar year. It will provide an excellent opportunity for companies looking to raise their profile with a meaningful brand association.