
28 2024

Ariel Kasler Quintet: “Make It Bloom”

3:00PM - 5:00PM  

Sandra Faire & Ivan Fecan Theatre, Accolade East Building York University, 83 York Blvd
Toronto, ON M3J 2S5

Contact Julie Feinberg

The Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Studies and the Department of Music in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design are proud to present The Ariel Kasler Quintet. Based in NW Ohio, the Ariel Kasler Quintet performs original jazz compositions and arrangements influenced by Middle Eastern, Jewish, and Israeli music. Featuring Ariel Kasler on guitar and piano, two saxophonists, bass and drums. The Quintet has released the albums “Above the Sound” (2015) and “Make it Bloom” (2022), available on Bandcamp and all streaming services.

Ariel Kasler, guitar & piano

David Bixler, alto saxophone

Alex Dean, tenor saxophone

Andrew Downing, bass

Ernesto Cervini, drums

Ariel Kasler is a guitarist, pianist and composer based in NW Ohio. As an Assistant Teaching Professor at Bowling Green State University, he teaches jazz piano, guitar, jazz courses & ensembles, and Alexander Technique. As a performer/composer, he leads the Ariel Kasler quintet and is a regular member of ensembles including the Toledo Jazz Orchestra, the BGSU Jazz Faculty Ensemble, and the Thompson-Kasler duo. Ariel holds a Master of Music in Jazz Performance from Bowling Green State University, a Bachelor of Music from Berklee College of Music, and an Alexander Technique Teaching Certificate from The Toronto School of The Alexander Technique.

This event has been made possible thanks to generous support from the Azrieli Foundation.

FREE Admission: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ariel-kasler-quintet-make-it-bloom-tickets-780712812037?aff=oddtdtcreator

Sponsor: The Azrieli Foundation

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