
16 2016

A Temple Sinai Program — Sunnybrook Veterans’Service

9:45AM - 11:30AM  

Sunnybrook Veteran's Hospital 2075 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON M5M 3B1

Contact Temple Office

Brotherhood will be hosting a Shabbat service for veterans at Sunnybrook Hospital, 2075 Bayview Avenue.. If you know someone at Sunnybrook who would like to join our heart-warming Shabbat morning, led by Larry Robbins and Marsha Kideckel, please contact Frank Berns at fberns@cleanworldwide.com. A light lunch will be served following the service. Time: 9.45 a.m.: Assemble at the Jewish Chapel E Wing Ground Floor; 10.00 a.m.: Service begins; 11.30 a.m.: Light lunch

Sponsor: Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto

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