
6 2016

A Ghostly Revival: Postwar Yiddish Culture in North America

1:00PM - 3:00PM  

Prosserman Jewish Community Centre 4588 Bathurst Street
Toronto, ON M2R 1W6

Contact Jackie Brown
416-638-1881 ext. 4022

$ Cost $ 60.00

"Yiddish has not yet said its last word." Isaac Bashevis Singer made a strong endorsement for Yiddish as a living language in his 1978 Nobel Prize acceptance speech. Yet, by the time Singer received this great honour, his mame-loshn was certainly a declining language. This series explores the fate of Yiddish in two major sites of Jewish immigration: New York and Montreal. How did Yiddish culture thrive in these two cities, why did it decline, and how does it live on today?

$48 for members

$60 for non-members

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