Mark the 5th Yahrzeit of Cantor Louis Danto with a celebration of his life and music.
Master of Ceremonies: Rabbi Howard Morrison
Special appearance by: Cantor Itzhak Zhrebker; Protégé of Cantor Danto; Congregation Shearith Israel, Dallas Texas
Featuring: Cantor Jeremy Burko - Beth Radom Congregation; Chazzan David Edwards - Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue; Cantor Eli Kirshblum on behalf of the Toronto Council of Hazzanim; Cantor Benjamin Maissner - Holy Blossom Temple; Cantor Charles Osborne - Temple Sinai Congregation; Roman Perelstein on behalf of the Russian Jewish Community
Film Highlights from: His Life & Spirit
Dessert Reception following
Generously Sponsored by The White family in memory of Harvey White z"l
$10 per person (Advance Booking) | $15 pp (at the door)