We would like to hear what your favourite Rosh Hashanah recipes are. Please submit using the comment box in the following format, and feel free to attach a picture.
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“Jewish” food in Toronto today extends way beyond bagels, blintzes and brisket! Indeed, you may be surprised and amused at the extent of our culinary diversity as you find recipes for gefilte fish alongside tuna tartar and ceviche; liver and onions rubbing shoulders with vegan lentil loaf and smoked tofu dip.
As diverse as they are, these recipes share a central feature that is the theme of this cookbook: they are “our community’s favourite, go-to dishes”. The tremendous diversity of our cooking styles, traditions and tastes is the essence, authenticity and charm of this wonderful community cookbook that is really “for cooking, not just for looking”; there is something here by and for everyone.
About the title... The Bathurst Street Kitchen was named in honour and recognition of that vibrant area of Jewish settlement in Toronto known as the Bathurst Street corridor. For over a century, beginning at Queens Quay and now extending north past Richmond Hill, Bathurst Street and its surrounding areas have been home to Jewish immigrants from all over the world and to many born here as well. Today, about 80% of Toronto Jews live within a mile of Bathurst Street and the corridor is lined with our community’s restaurants, synagogues, schools, businesses and homes as well as 3 outstanding community campuses. At its heart is 4600 Bathurst Street and the offices of UJA Federation of Greater Toronto and many of its agencies; all dedicated to serving our incredible community.
So enjoy the recipes, share your experience making them and any tips or photos you may have. More importantly, take advantage of all the wonderful things going on in the Jewish community of Toronto. Meet new people, reconnect with old friends, listen to a world-renown speaker, avail yourself of one of our agency's services, volunteer, get involved! And maybe, share a recipe or a meal with someone in this Jewish community; a community that is the envy of others worldwide!
The Kitchen Cabinet
We would like to hear what your favourite Rosh Hashanah recipes are. Please submit using the comment box in the following format, and feel free to attach a picture.
Recipe Name